While many say we are not alone in the universe...The truth is...We are not alone on this planet either...
For Hundreds of YEARS...The evidence, the stories have accumulated...but until now there was never enough proof to satisfy the naysayers....Now for the first time...We WARN YOU...If you explore the vast wildnerness of of North America, you are being watching - Perhaps even stalked, by some of the most incredible creatures anyone could ever imagine...

DISCOVER SHOCKING PROOF OF... A large, apelike creature that growls as it travels through a forest. It stops at a lake, and a father and his young son run in terror when they see it on the opposite shore. In the Pacific Northwest, scientists make plaster casts of footprints that are eighteen inches long and seven inches wide, believed to belong to an eight-foot-tall, five hundred-pound monster, known by several names, including “Sasquatch” and “The Skunk Ape,” but most commonly as “Bigfoot.”
It has been consistently described as appearing to be half man and half ape, covered with hair, and having a powerful, foul odor. There were three hundred sightings in the U.S. between 1965 and 1975, but many scientists do not consider eyewitness accounts to be evidence.
However, gorillas were also considered to be mythical until the late 19th century. Other recently discovered animals include the Komodo dragon, the okapi and the giant panda. There have also been cases such as Ishi, the last of the Native American Yahi tribe, who lived undetected outside Redding, California, for fifty years. Other species have been considered extinct only to be rediscovered, such as the coelacanth fish.

You'll see the proof for yourself...Inside Monsters Among Us, a complete hypermedia journey into the mysterious world of REAL NORTH AMERICAN MONSTERS...
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Chupacabra...The legendary monster that roams through Mexico, southwest USA, and Puerto Rico and beyond...
The Chupacabra is blamed for mysterious livestock deaths, and examples of Chupacabras have been found and photographed, usually dead. The creature is described variously as resembling a hairless bear, sometimes with spikes on its back, or a hairless dog-like animal.
Fearful and demonic at times, the Chupacabra is one of the more frightful creatures featured inside Monsters Among Us...

Dogman...There have been thousands of sightings of the Dogman over the years and most accounts agree that the beast resembles an enormous humanoid over seven feet tall with digitigrade legs (similar to those of a cat or wolf) which is capable of walking both upright and on all fours.
Dogman is massively muscled, possessed of taloned, human-like hands, and with the head and fangs of a large dog such as a German Shepherd.
Many of those who claim to have encountered the Dogman report a feeling of overwhelming dread when confronted by the beast - and you'll encounter Dogman yourself inside Monsters Among Us...

The state of West Virginia has had its fair share of strange and often inexplicable events such the visitation of the Flatwoods Monster and Indrid Cold, but perhaps the strangest yet is the arrival of the creature known as the Mothman, who changed the sleepy little town of Point Pleasant forever when it swooped in one cold autumn night in 1966.
Mothman bears a striking resemblance to several demon archetypes found among those who have experienced sleep paralysis....Mothman terrifies from the depths of the unconscious and has caused extreme panic upon his encounter.
Mothman has many paranormal explanations, that Mothman is either a harbinger of doom or, more sinisterly, its cause — a legend that has its roots in the tragedy that befell the Point Pleasant community shortly after the Mothman arrived.
You'll see the proof for yourself...Inside Monsters Among Us, a complete hypermedia journey into the mysterious world of REAL NORTH AMERICAN MONSTERS...
In just minutes from now...
You'll see the proof for yourself...Inside Monsters Among Us, a complete hypermedia journey into the mysterious world of REAL NORTH AMERICAN MONSTERS...
In just minutes from now...

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