Perhaps the most notorius How To manual on the market. Banned, super-controversial and just plain SCARY....This is the most asked for book that we know of...And now it's available here for direct download in just minutes from now because...
Inside The Complete Cookbook Of Anarchy you'll discover...
Extensive information on Solvents, and how deranged people make chloroform out of acetone and bleach and drug syntheses....PLUS...
Electronic Bugging/surveillance and counter-surveillance.Guns and Other Personal weapons and in short...
A lot of information that makes for informational and entertaining reading but not to be used by anyone against anything...And the publishers are obviously steadfastly against ANY acts of malice, violence, destruction or any of that stuff...
And quite frankly, we find ANY public demonstration or jerk with an opinion, annoying...But if you're looking for The Complete Cookbook Of Anarchy, you've found it and...
It's become a cult classic and now for your enjoyment, we've made it super-easy to get and even more fun to explore...
And you'll get full instant access to it in just minutes from now...

This complete package is intended for information educational and entertainment purposes only. Under no circumstance is it advised to do any of the mentioned things in this publication. In fact, unless you're a complete idiot or want a criminal record or maybe even end up dead, don't do or be inspired by ANYTHING you might discover in this publication. Again, we provide all our publications, software and other 'curiousities' for your information and entertainment purposes only. We will not be held accountable for anything, anybody or anything might do as a result of this publication or even remotely connected with it. In fact, we might even press charges against you ourselves, if you do anything reckless or cause ANY harm because you failed to realize this is for informational and entertainment purposes only.

Not to be used on animals, the elderly or mentally-challenged individuals. Should not be used on individuals operating a motor vehicle or heavy-machinery. Not a protection or security device. Not to be used for any act of terrorism, to incite panic or cause civil unrest. We shall not be held liable or any use or misuse of Remote Control Tingler. Cannot be used for personal stimulation and is not a medical device.

Here's a real thrill that's sure to shake things up...
Remote Control Tingler is the amazing radionic 'day wrecker' for Windows computers that delivers a startling jolt to anybody you target with just 1 or 2 simple clicks of the mouse...But here's the best part...
Remote Control Tingler retails for $47 and it's worth every cent but it's YOURS FREE with your purchase today...
Start up this creepy little wonder box of thrills, name your enemy and deliver a remote control jolt to their day. Using advanced radionic impulses, this powerful and Top-Secret software delivers the effect of a sudden electrical shock to anybody on the receiving end of your wrath.
Remote Control Tingler is a relatively safe, effective and FUN way to get revenge or just shake up anybody that has it coming.
We've all had days where we'd like a way to really settle a score with somebody but you don't feel like going out or getting arrested. Physicial violence, stalking and haraassment are all crimes for good reason but...
Fortunately for you, the law still hasn't defined if delivering a powerful electrical shock to someone utlizing metaphysical energy is illegal or not...
And let's face it, sticking pins in a voodoo doll is so old school...Not to mention, absolutely ridiculous...So why not let them have it with a blast of technology instead? AND...
Using Remote Control Tingler, is just plain simple and fun...
Turn the frequency down to deliver an ongoing series of pulsing tingles, your victim will feel like their skin is crawling with bugs...
Turn up the frequency and squeal with delight as your enemies literally jump out of their pants with a startling super-charged shock that feels like they just put their tongue in a light socket.
Works at any distance...Non-traceable by law-enforcement and works just as well next door as it does across town or even another country.
It's also a lot of fun at parties...Imagine a house full of pretty girls stripped down to their panties, trying to figure out what's crawling on them...Think of what fun you could have during a sports game or religious ceremony. (Weddings, church service, even funerals!)
Remote Control Tingler retails for $47 but you won't pay that because it's YOURS FREE with your purchase today...

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