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Penis Enlargement Pumps
All penis enlargement pumps operate on essentially the same premise. If you increase blow flow to the shaft and tip of the penis and maintain continuous flow to the area for a period of time each session, you will build up the size and width of the penis.

Each pump is comprised of several parts: the cylinder, the valve and the bulp or hand piece that allows you to pump. At the lower end, the cylinders are cheap plastic, the valves are poor quality and the bulbs are flimsy rubber. Better pumps feature glass or durable plastic cylinders, air-tight valves, metal hand pieces and industrial release hosting. Top of the line models come with a pressure gauge that allows you to monitor the increase in pressure inside the cylinder. Many feature quick release openings for safety and comfort.

Whether you're pumping for penis enlargement or simply pumping for pleasure (to achieve orgasm), you start with a full or 3/4 erection. The shaft of the penis is inserted into the cylinder. The base of the cylinder is then pressed firmly against the body to create a seal (no air gets through). Squeezing the bulb or hand piece on the pump creates an increase in pressure inside the cylinder, causing increased blood flow to the shaft.

By keeping the penis in a heightened state of arousal and pulling blood into the shaft, the muscles of the penis are enlarged and strenghtened. The muscle tissue expands to the maximum, breaks down, and then rebuilds into larger and stronger muscles, similar to body-building.
Penis Enlargement Pumps
Penis enlargement pumps work by creating a vacuum around the penis. As the vacuum is increased, high levels of blood are forced into the erectile tissue, engorging the penis with blood to its maximum capacity.

The idea behind this is very similar to natural penis enlargement - to stretch and expand the erectile tissue so that the penis is naturally capable of holding more blood.

Although on the surface this seems like a credible alternative, in practice the results produced and the level of risk involved are quite different.

What You Can Expect

One positive thing to say about penis pumps is that they definitely enlarge your penis temporarily. It's also true to say that as your penis adapts to regular pumping over several months and years, it's possible to temporarily pump up larger and larger.

But the vast majority of veteran pumpers state that even after several years of regular pumping they still make no permanent gains. Once removed from the cylinder, the penis quickly reverts back to its original size, usually within a couple of hours.

A few men do claim to have made permanent gains in penis size. But even for these lucky few, they state that it takes well over a year of regular pumping just to gain an extra inch.

Why Pumps Produce Little Permanent Gains

The reason pumping promotes much slower gains than natural penis enlargement is probably due to its effect on blood circulation. Whereas natural penis enlargement actively improves blood flow to the penis and ensures healthy tissue growth, the use of a penis pump does exactly the opposite.

During a pumping session, the vacuum pressure cuts off blood circulation to the penis. Without a continuous flow of fresh oxygenated blood, the penile tissue slowly starves of oxygen. In the long term this is more likely to result in nerve and tissue damage as opposed to permanent growth.

Penis pumps not only cut off circulation during use, but they also have no effect on improving and boosting the normal flow of blood to the penis. Again, a strong, healthy supply of blood is absolutely vital for both overall penile health and tissue growth.

Risk of Injury

Because penis pumps promote slow (if any) gains, many men make the mistake of applying too much pressure or pump for too long in an attempt to speed up gains.

Over pumping in this way commonly results in ruptured capillaries and blood vessels just beneath the skin, causing large bruises to appear on the penile shaft. In severe cases, the trauma caused by internal haemorrhaging can lead to conditions such as Peyronie's Disease (resulting in permanent disfigurement) or impotence.

More frequent, but less serious side effects of over pumping include blisters and slight discoloration to the skin. Over pumping can also result in fewer, softer erections which are difficult to maintain for any length of time - again, this is probably due to the negative effect pumping has on blood circulation to the penis.


I personally wouldn't recommend using a penis pump if you want to permanently enlarge your penis. They will temporarily increase your size (usually for a couple of hours), but for the vast majority of men permanent gains are never achieved.

Unlike natural penis enlargement, penis pumps do not promote a healthy flow of blood to the penis, which is necessary for healthy tissue growth. And combined with the possibility of serious injury, the method produces far too little results to justify the level of risk involved.
For many years, medical journals and the prevailing wisdom confidently says that that the average penile length is approximately 6.5 inches. This specific penis measurement has been somewhat contraversial however. In our experience, in the 20 years we've conducted research and development in this area, this measurement is slightly on the high side but is still generally true.

So if you feel that don't exactly measure up when you've compared yourself to others, you may actually be right. The good news is, there is something you can do about it.

And you don't have to resort to surgery to achieve it. In fact, penis enlargement surgery is the last thing you ever want to consider. Firstly, there is no specific medically accepted method to enlarge the penis and secondly, it's not only expensive but it's also very dangerous. Yes there are 'doctors' who perform these surgeries, but 99% of general physicians do not endorse or consider any of these procedures as anything but strictly experimental in nature.

It's precisely why, men all over the world choose Max Pump and it's not the only the smart choice, it's exactly why Max Pump is the only realiable, safe and proven method of penis enlargement for more than 20 years.
You might be able to relate the locker room fear that many men suffer from. In fact, in our experience, one of the biggest fears most men have is not measuring up around other men... But recent studies indicate that for both men and women, size DOES matter...

Fortunately Max Pump not only works to make your penis longer and thicker but you'll also have a harder and stronger penis too. Many men get Max Pump simply to increase the strength of their erections and consider the size gains to be an extra bonus. No matter what, if you want a bigger, longer, thicker, stronger penis then Max Pump is precisely what you're looking for.

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Let's start with the background, we started out as a personal training organization for general men's health, fitness, muscle and athletic training. It was after our consultations for a Gold winning Olympic medal team that we realized many of the same core concepts could be applied to penis enlargement.

Over the years, we've combined what we learned with our unique technologies, shown at right. These powerful components, such as Ultrasonic techniques, Biostimulation and our unique Induction Training, are combined in our own proprietary online training solution that truly gets incredible results. In the case of our Ultrasonic system, we've incorporated extensive research and development into specialized software that can be used online but that's not all...

Inside your own personal copy of Max Pump, we've combined software with basic core training and techniques to achieve what is the most powerful and unique permanent penis enlargement methods available anywhere.
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