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The source for straight talking, clear cut and honest advice about penis enlargement... came into life for several reasons - to give you accurate information about penis enlargement, to show you the different choices you have, to make sure you avoid the many mistakes and pitfalls that can often hinder progress and to help you succeed first time.

You'll find straightforward information about all the various popular penile enhancement methods such as the use of penis enlargement pills and patches, exercises, traction devices, penis pumps and surgical techniques.
You'll learn the principles behind each method, how they claim to increase penis size, how successful they are for the average guy and the possible drawbacks of each one.

The information you'll find here is based on my own experiences of penis enlargement over the last four years.
It's taken me a lot of trial and error to make real gains in penis size and that four years has seemed like an absolute eternity, mainly because of the huge amount of bad information on the web about the subject.

But through perseverance and an absolute unwillingness to give up hope I finally realized my dream, and this site is here to make sure you do the same.

If you have the honest facts from the start, you can avoid a great deal of wasted time and frustration. Penis enlargement certainly isn't impossible (I'm living proof of that), and noticeable penis size gains can be achieved quite easily in just a few months. The information on this site will remove any uncertainty or confusion you might have and should help you get off to a flying start.

Very few sites give unbiased information about penis enlargement for one simple reason: they are trying to sell you their particular product. Other sites make outrageous claims about the gains that can be achieved.

This site on the other hand, removes all the hype and just gives you the facts - clear and simple.

Best Wishes and Happy Reading,

Gary Marshall

If you need any more help or advice, or have a story about penis enlargement you'd like to share, then please send me an e-mail. I sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence so many have placed in me through this site. Penis enlargement is possible and by sharing advice and experiences, many more men can succeed. 


It is possible to make substantial gains in penis size just by using your hands...

Natural Penis Enlargement
Over the past few years, natural penis enlargement has quickly become a very popular method of increasing penis size. This is because it is far safer than alternative methods such as penis pumps or weights and also because it produces quick, permanent results.

The basic principle of natural penis enlargement is to increase the blood capacity of the penis through exercise. By doing so, you can increase both your penis length and thickness by 2-3 inches over the course of a few months.

How Blood Capacity Effects Penis Size.

The penis consists of three tube like chambers running the length of the penile shaft. The smallest chamber that runs along the bottom of the shaft is known as the Corpus Spongiosum, and this surrounds the urethra which is used for urinating and ejaculating. The size of this chamber has little effect on the size of your penis.

Of more importance to anyone wanting to enlarge their penis are the other two chambers known as the Corpus Cavernosum.

These two chambers are much larger and form the greatest part of the penis - in fact about 90 percent. They lie on top of the small Corpus Spongiosum chamber, and their length and thickness determine the size of you penis.

When you get sexually aroused, the large Corpus Cavernosum chambers made of erectile tissue swell up to several times their usual size with blood  (very much like a sponge absorbing water) causing you to get an erection. Not surprisingly, the extent to which these chambers can expand during an erection and the amount of blood they can hold determines your present erect penis size.

The Principle of Natural Penis Enlargement

Because the size of the two large chambers has such a prominent affect on penis size, the whole theory behind natural penis enlargement is to gradually develop the erectile tissue within these chambers, so that the chambers are able to expand to a far greater degree and hold even greater volumes of blood.

In order to achieve this, specialized exercises such as the Jelq are used. These exercises (performed entirely with your hands) force more blood into the erectile tissue that it can naturally hold, which causes the tissue to gradually stretch and expand beyond its normal limits. As the erectile tissue expands, the amount of blood the Corpus Cavernosum chambers can permanently hold increases, and over a few weeks and months this results in a steady increase in penis size - both in length and thickness.

While the science behind natural penis enlargement isn't all that interesting, it is a good idea to have an understanding of how it all works - basically so that you can see that natural penis enlargement is based on very sound principles and is possible.

The Gains You Can Expect From Natural Penis Enlargement.

What's more important are the changes you see when you start exercising. After a couple of weeks, the first thing you notice is that your erections become much firmer and fuller than before - similar to when you're extremely aroused. This is because blood circulation has improved and the volume of blood entering your penis has increased. Because of the improved blood flow, your penis also looks much larger when flaccid than before.

After about a month you can expect to gain about half an inch in erect length and thickness. This may not sound like a lot, but it makes a big difference to how your penis looks and definitely helps to keep your motivation high so that you keep on exercising.

At this point, you will also have strengthened and improved the function of your 'PC muscle'. This muscle is located just behind your scrotum and plays a vital role in ejaculation. By strengthening this muscle and improving the control you have over it, you are able to delay ejaculation and increase your sexual stamina.

If you continue to regularly exercise over the following few months, it's usual to gain around 2 inches in erect length and just over an inch in thickness. This is a good goal to aim for, as it is a realistic target and is achievable for the majority of men.

At this point, most guys reach a plateau and stop growing - this is the point you have developed your penis to its maximum potential. When you reach this point, you can stop exercising, as the gains you've made are permanent. Some men do gain more than two inches through exercise alone, but it's not usual. When you hear stories of men doubling their penis size, it's usually because they were much smaller than average when they started.

My Gains.

My gains were about typical of what you can expect by following a good penis enlargement program. In just over 3 months I increased by penis length by one and three quarter inches, and thickness by over an inch.

You may feel that you don't have time to wait 3 months to fully develop your penis, and I can understand how you feel - it seems like a heck of a long time. But the fact is, there isn't a quicker way to permanently enlarge your penis than through exercise - and yes, it does take a little patience and commitment. But in the end, you'll thank yourself for the effort you put in.

What I can say though, is that exercising your penis becomes almost second nature after a week or two - once you're familiar with what you're doing. And it's not time consuming - you really only need to exercise 4-5 times a week for around 20 minutes a workout to see steady gains. If you don't put pressure on yourself and try to rush the process, a few months will have passed before you know it and you'll be blown away by what you've achieved. For a few months effort, you get a lifetimes worth of benefits.

But to make sure you don't waste months of time and effort, choose a well respected guide that is known to be effective. One run by specialists who have an understanding about penis enlargement. I personally found Penis-Health a very effective program. In fact, I used several programs over the course of a year with absolutely no success, and this was the one that finally put me on the right track.

A very useful feature of the program is that they provide each member with a personalized workout routine, designed specifically for your particular body type and lifestyle. You'll find that this takes out all the guesswork and ensures you exercise as effectively as possible. It's certainly one the reasons I feel I made such quick gains. For more information about the program take a look at the Penis-Health web site.

Penis enlargement pills have proved to be very popular amongst men and continue to be a massive seller. These supplements contain herbs that both increase blood flow to the penis and increase sex hormone levels in the body. They claim to offer gains of up to 3 inches if taken over the course of a few months...

Penis enlargement pills first appeared on the Net in early 2001, and in the last few months there's been a massive increase in the number of companies offering these products.

Like natural penis enlargement, these pills are supposed to work by expanding the erectile tissue within the penis, so that the penis can naturally hold more blood.

Unfortunately, many of the companies offering these products don't tell you what their pills contain - so you have no idea of what you are taking. I've also noticed several sites offering products that contain ingredients that have potentially harmful side effects if taken for extended periods of time.

The most popular penis enlargement pills on the market, and the ones I have personally used, are Albion Medical's Vig-RX. I choose these pills after researching the safety of their ingredients and because of the positive feedback I'd heard from other men.

So can these pills really enlarge your penis?

If you take a closer look at some of the ingredients of Vig-RX, you get a good idea of their effects.

Firstly, they contain herbs such as Ginkgo and Epimedium sagittatum, both of which are known to boost blood flow and improve circulation to the penis. They achieve this by relaxing and expanding the small peripheral blood vessels to the penis, so that they are capable of carrying higher volumes of blood.

The increased blood flow to the penis results in erections that are much firmer and larger looking - very similar to when you're extremely sexually aroused.

Secondly, herbs such as Ginseng and Muira Puama stimulate the body into producing higher levels of sex hormones such as Testosterone. Increasing the level of testosterone in your system enhances sexual function - boosting both your sex drive and producing more frequent, longer lasting erections.

So by increasing blood circulation to the penis and boosting testosterone levels, these pills promote much stronger, more powerful erections. The theory goes that over a few months, this constant increase in blood flow will permanently expand the erectile tissue and lead to permanent gains in penis size.

My Experience

Personally I didn't find that using penis enlargement pills on their own produced permanent gains. Due to the increased blood flow, my erections were definitely much firmer and somewhat larger looking while I was taking them. But on their own, the pills didn't stimulate the erectile tissue enough to promote permanent gains in penis size.

However, I did find that pills had a positive effect when I used them as a supplement to natural penis enlargement.

Through using natural penis enlargement exercises on their own, I initially gained an inch and a half in 3 months. However, at this point I reached a plateau and stopped growing - because I had developed my penis just about to its maximum.

Although I continued exercising, I made no further gains in month 4. However, by combining penis enlargement pills with my 5th month of exercise, I was able to overcome my plateau and achieved a further ½ an inch in permanent length.

This may not seem like a lot, but if I hadn't taken the pills it is unlikely I would have achieved any further increases at all. The boost in blood flow and circulation definitely helped to stimulate additional growth, enabling me to surpass my plateau and increase my penis size to its absolute limit.


From my experience, penis enlargement pills definitely enhance the effects of exercise. In my case, they made it possible for me to grow past my natural size limit.

But for men who combine exercise and pills from the start, there's often another benefit - they make much faster gains in size than is typical through exercise alone. Good circulation to the penis is vital for healthy tissue growth. By further boosting blood flow to the penis you ensure that you recover quicker from workouts, resulting in optimum gains.

For many years, medical journals and the prevailing wisdom confidently says that that the average penile length is approximately 6.5 inches. This specific penis measurement has been somewhat contraversial however. In our experience, in the 20 years we've conducted research and development in this area, this measurement is slightly on the high side but is still generally true.

So if you feel that don't exactly measure up when you've compared yourself to others, you may actually be right. The good news is, there is something you can do about it.

And you don't have to resort to surgery to achieve it. In fact, penis enlargement surgery is the last thing you ever want to consider. Firstly, there is no specific medically accepted method to enlarge the penis and secondly, it's not only expensive but it's also very dangerous. Yes there are 'doctors' who perform these surgeries, but 99% of general physicians do not endorse or consider any of these procedures as anything but strictly experimental in nature.

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