Greetings Frustrated But TRUSTED Internet Friend...
PLEASE allow me to introduce myself to you - You probably don't know me because while some jackass has been selling you guru hype, I was quietly making a fortune on the internet but just like you...
"I Was Sick In My Heart From Too Many Trips Down Jackass Canyon..."
My name is Jerome Shine, I'm an internet millionaire but not that long ago I was wallowing in my own deep dark pit of despair because...
Yes, I know how frustrating it is when you want to make some money and you just don't know what to do...And...
I know what it's like when you get on the Googles and can't find what you're looking for even though the answer is right in front of your CRYING SHAME FACE!
SEE, I was just like you! A couple of years ago I had a wife that was sick with fever all day from the stress of no money in the house because...
"You Can Drink Or Self Sick Or Think Yourself Rich..."
It's TRUE, one day I was a fool with drink and...
I spent the last money we had on some horse race that some bo jangling Jo told me to bet my last dollar on - SEE, I shot my whole wad one afternoon while drinking a bottle of hard liquor booze that wasn't fit for a dog because...
Friend, I was just lost AND...
I felt like I was just simply powerless to the powerful forces around me that drenched me all wet - Soaking like a big black ugly rain cloud raining all over my miserable life - All day long...It was just devastating!
That's when I had a choice...
I could either pray to God for some miracle - OR - Bury my head in the Bible or I could get off my tired old stones (which I had been sitting on in despair) and make a difference in my life...Like fast!
That's the day my life changed because...
"I Could Sit On My Stones Until The Cows Came Home
Or I Could Make A Promise To Myself That
I Won't Hide From Opportunity Any More!"
"It Doesn't Matter If You're A Hacker Or Cracker, You Can
Learn A Lot From The Shine School Of Success..."
"Unless You Want To Spend The Rest Of Your Life Like A
Loser, It's About Time You Wake Up And Start Dreaming..."
Here's Just A Sampling Of How My Life Changed...
"I Now Become A Patron Of Des Beaux Arts Because I Have The Cash To Blow On Fancy Pants Art For My Brand New Mansion..."
"Thanks to my internet business, I'm finally able to start living high on the hog. Here I am at some big charity deal buying some more artwork for my house.
My friends thought I was crazy for paying over $55 for this black velvet painting of Jesus looking screwy at Elvis, but I know what I like...And it looks like a Million Bucks in my studying room."
"When I Was A Kid My Grandma Told Me That One Of The Greatest Men This Country Ever Had Was Mister Abraham Lincoln - Now I Just Love Slapping His Face Down All Over Town...
Got A Problem Dealing With Your Neighbors ?
There's Nothing A Few Good Old Mister Lincolns Can't
Sort Out For You In A Memphis Minute!"
"I Now Spend Time With My Family And We Dine At All The Best Restaurants Because Money Is No Obstacle To Our Happiness..."
"Here I am laughing it up with my beautiful woman, Astelle.
When we first got together she would get the fever and be down like a dog for days on end. Now that I'm in internet business and making good money, the only time she gets sick is from eating too much rich food all night long. I'm real happy to spoil her now just like she's a couple of Missus Paris Hiltons."
"Fit As A Fiddle With Cash In The Middle!
If Your Internet Business Changes Your Life As Much As
It Changed Mine Then You Might Just Have To Buy A Mirror
For Every Room In Your House - Just To Remind Yourself That
All Of This Fabulous Wealth, Health & Happiness
Isn't Just Some Jackass Dream You Keep Having - It's Real!"
"My Lifetime Dream Come True, A Brand New Yacht For Pleasure Cruising And Hob Nobbin With Motion Picture Movie Stars..."
"This was the happiest days of my life when we busted a brand new forty ounce to launch the family yacht.
You can see a picture of me here looking like Mister Success standing beside the latest addition to the Shine Line, The Atlantic Cadillac. My friends like to call her The Shine Mary Too but I just have the one - so far! Ha Ha Ha all the way to the bank, friends..."
All The Way To The Gawd-Dang Bank !
"Check It Out - How'd You Like A Piggy Bank Like This One ?"
That's right. This is the kind thing you can expect from you internet business. Remember when you were a kid and you used to go digging in ditches for old soda bottles ?
Forget those days, today the money comes to you, day and night, it doesn't matter.
This morning I woke up and I was $300 richer - And all I did last night was lay in bed with Astelle eating biscuits and watching a late night spook show on our 42 inch colored TV.
I Don't Care If You're Some Clap Trap Rap Happy Pappy
Or Some Jive Crying Heart Bleeding Sappy
This Internet Business Has The Sing Song Bling
To Make Your Wallet Take Wing - For SURE!
If I Can Teach My No Good IDIOT Neighbor, Harlan Doyle How To Do This Then I Can Teach Anybody !
Yes, I said it - Harlan Doyle is one of the dumbest people I've ever laid eyes on...
He's so stupid that every time it rains, I'm screaming out the window :
"Hey Harlan! Don't look up or you're liable to drown out there!"
Every time I say it, he just starts laughing and goes back to whatever fool thing he's working on in his work shed but...
I'm telling you, I taught that damned numbskull how to do it, so if he can figure it out, you can too!
So Let Me Show You How To Change Your Life...
My Neighbor Harlan Doyle
Is One Of The Dumbest Human Beings Alive But Even He Learned The
Shine Success System!

I Can Promise You This...
You're Not Gonna' See Something Like This Every Day...
Yes, this is The Jerome Shine Success System...
The ONLY internet marketing and sales system that finally gives you the chance to stop taking all those failed trips down jackass canyon...
I'll give you everything you need to make money, real fast and easy...
And live the high life like a movie star or something other cracker that don't deserve shit like you do...
I will show you all the secret tricks you can use online to make money...And it's honest and it's legal and best of all...
It will make you so much money, you'll be thinking something must have hit you upside the head, you'll be feelilng so giddy stupid...
And as they as say down at the Carpet Palace, I'm giving you an absolute bargoon of pure profit packed cracker jack, paddy whack give a dog a bone man, serious down to goodness Success System cash producing machine...Even if you're Gawd-Dang idiot...
Now hear this...Are You Ready For It?

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