Immerse Your Friends And Yourself In A Professionally Designed Environment Of Fun Filled Terror...
Imagine if you could instantly create a haunted house using simply your computer and this amazingly simple software developed by a Hollywood special effects artist that brings a professional haunt experience into any room, within minutes from now...
You'll hear, see and experience a completely scary environment unfold around you as your software works its magic to send your family and friends into a frenzy of fright....
It's fun, it's easy to use and you really will be amazed at just how effective it really is...
You'll wow everybody you know and they may even beg you to make it stop...
This Complete Software Package For ALL Computers Is YOURS In Just MINUTES From Now...
YES! This software is scary stuff but the good news, the price is not because you're getting the complete package for just $17 complete, during this Limited Time offer...It's a "No Brainer", down-and-dirty scream marathon from start to finish and you'll download everything directly to your computer immediately...
Yes, just $17 complete during this limited time offer - The FULL RETAIL PRICE is $17 and it's well worth it but you won't pay that - Because this is your chance to scare your friends, family and neighbors year round for just $17 - And you'll download the entire package in just minutes from now...

Goes Well Beyond A Silly Sound Effects CD Or Screensaver...
Of course you may be wondering how this is possible with software and you might think that maybe you're getting some spooky sounds and silly images - or some sort of goofy prank that will simply disappoint - but it's NOTHING LIKE THAT - In fact, to use the system correctly, nobody should be looking at your computer at all...AND...
We guarantee you'll be blown away at just how much fun this really is...With simply your computer and some good speakers, this simple software delivers haunt effects that sometimes cost Thousands of Dollars - Yes, that's absolutely true, you're getting the same Animatronic style immersive environmental effects system that they use (on a much larger scale of course) at theme parks like Disney, Universal Studios and sophisticated haunts, dark rides and more...And...
A Professional Dark Ride Experience That Costs Much Less...
All you need is your computer, a speaker system (The louder the better but don't worry, you can still have a great time simply using a laptop and built in speakers)...If you have an old monitor, you pack an even bigger punch with this cool software and we'll show you how...

You're Getting A Complete Haunted House Experience That REALLY WORKS!
Your entire Haunted House 'show' is designed from start to finish by professional sound designers and special effects artists to achieve the MAXIMUM EFFECT from nothing more than the computer you have right now...Future expansion modules (We include some awesome ideas that will really take your system over the top for under $100) - And will allow you to expand your system and you can use this system, inside your home - OR...Set up the system in a darkened room upstairs and point your speakers out toward the street for a truly enviable Halloween display solution because...
It's as easy as starting up the software and letting it work its morbid magic...
Easy To Use But Horrifyingly Hard To Forget...
Again, we'll repeat - You won't believe how deceptively simple this amazing package is and yet it delivers a hardcore scary punch that compares to systems costing Hundreds or even Thousands more...A complete Haunted House environment is ready to roll with one simple click of your mouse...

Your purchase today is 100% secure, private and confidential. It's also backed by our complete 100% Satisfaction Gurantee. You have a full 30 days to decide if this purchase is right for you or not.
You'll get everything in just minutes from now, including all bonus packages
and everything else for just one single payment today. You're 100% covered by our
Full Satisfaction Guarantee and you'll have 30 days to use and enjoy everything while
all the risk is on us. We know you'll be completely pleased with your 100% secure, private and confidential purchase today and we look forward to welcoming you...
Simply click the button below to get started right now...
Includes 1 Full Year Of Free Updates, Upgrades, Customer Service & Support.

During This Limited Time Offer You Save 50% Off The Full Retail Price...
YES! This software is simply you must experience to fully appreciate just how effective it really is...And because you're getting the full package today for just $17, it's an offer just too good to miss...
Imagine using the software tonight and feeling the fun-filled fear as the room is suddenly alive with the frightening effects of full environmental horror - PLUS - Your software comes with a complete guide on how to enhance and achieve even more unique and impressive results by creating custom setups and environments...
Remember, this is a professionally developed "Dark Ride Experience" from start to finish...Similar systems cost significantly more and you can use the software as a standalone scare experience or use it in conjunction with your existing Halloween display ideas...It truly will freak you out when you use the software and the easy-to-follow instruction guide to it's full potential...