Deep in the darkest mysterious jungles of the Amazon, there is a mystery that has haunted the greatest and most ancient civilizations of South America...Since the dawn of time...
The Incas spoke of them...
Feared them...
Worshiped them...
In the early part of the 20th. Century...It became clear that UFO and flying saucer activity in the Amazon rainforest was becoming more frequent...
And then through startling revelations as the result of translating the ancient Incan and Mayan texts...
By the 1950s...New reports, combined with science and further historical research...The entire shocking story was evolving at a frantic pace...
And it became vividly clear that there were alien bases and even full cities from another world, deep within the jungles of Brazil, Peru and other South American countries...
Horrific stories emerged...Of strange
abductions - Often of a lurid, sexual nature, were reported throughout South America...
And weird encounters with the unknown
began to spread like wildfire - And strange
creatures and advanced civilizations were
not just merely legend but were FACT!
Are you ready for the truth?
You're about to discover the most shocking and most compelling evidence of aliens living among us, you've ever seen...Or heard...Inside Aliens In The Amazon, you'll see all the proof you need to realize that we are not alone and...
We share the planet with other civilizations and beings from other worlds...BUT...
Most incredible of all, you'll hear startling theories and revelations for the first time...About...
Why are they here?
These are the stories of the ENCOUNTERS... The alien abductions and the terrifying but true stories of alien interaction with humans AND...
The twisted breeding experiements that are producing advanced hybrid creatures...BUT...
This is not science fiction...It is the most bizarre and frightening story you could ever imagine...
But it's all so horrifically real...

A complete multimedia assault on your senses...
You're about to experience the most incrediable and realistic immersion in the forbidden world of the Amazonian alien lair AND...
Experience first-hand, the evidence, the stories, the legends...AND...
See, hear, feel and KNOW the truth about the secrets held deep in the jungle...
Inside Encounters With Aliens Of The Amazon...
From the time of the Mayans to the modern age of so called "reason"...
Every vivid and lurid detail revealed...
The film foootage, the images, the eyewitness testimony...AND...
A vivid thrill ride of terror and adventure that takes you beyond your
wildest dreams...In just minutes from now...
If you want to know the truth and you're certain that you can handle the mysterious, shocking and sometimes terrifying revelations about aliens on Earth...THEN...
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