If You Knew You Would Die In A Few Days Would You Spend Those Days Pleasant Or Unpleasant?
You Could Be Hit By A Bus Tomorrow...
Will You Be Remembered As A Pleasant Person
Or A Total Asshole?
Hello & Welcome Dear Friend...
Pleasant thoughts to you and welcome to our website. My name is Dr. Payton B. Bowel and I would like to take a moment to tell you a story about how I can change your life...
As you explore my website, you will discover the stories of people who are like you.
Everyone has tragedy in their lives. Sorrow is something we simply cannot avoid but you must always remember, life is very much like your morning cup of coffee...
As you press your lips against the rim of your cup, you may feel a chip in that cup with your tongue.
At first it will be uncomfortable and perhaps even disturbing but over time, the warm tasty coffee is all you will remember.
I like to put some salt in mine.
Life Is Like A Cup Of Coffee But Most People Cannot
Get Their Tongue Beyond The Rim
I want you to think about your whole life right now. Are you satisfied with what you have accomplished? Do you go to bed each and every night, thankful that you are alive?
If you are like most people, you don't even think about these things. This is one of the reasons why unfortunately so many people end their lives with suicide because they believe their lives are meaningless.
"I was so desperate for love and attention, I ended up having sex for a can of soda and a plate of fries. The truth is, I was a fat, ugly loser before I found out the true healing power of Dr. Bowel's discovery. I am so thankful now because my life has changed so much. I found a man who owns a hotel and he loves me. We're getting married in the Spring. What an amazing change in my life!"
UPDATE: Lynette was killed in a horrible car accident on her wedding day. Before her untimely death however, she discovered my methods and as a result her last time on Earth, was pleasant.
While Many People Spend Their Lives Wasting Their Time And Getting Nowhere - Other People Embrace Everything
In Their Life And Make The Most Of It...
I remember one time many years ago, I met a young man who was standing in the window of the world famous Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City.
That young man had everything to live for but he was prepared to jump to his death from that high window. The wife of a police captain paged me from dinner which I was naturally enjoying. She was familiar with my work and thought that perhaps I could help to convince the poor fellow to come in from the ledge.
I Knew That Young Man Would Be Dead Within Seconds
As He Fell To His Doom From That Hotel Window
My wife patiently packed up my meal so that I could take it to the young man's room with me. Upon entering the room, some of the policemen kindly prepared a spot for me at the table and I noted the young man at the window ledge, perched high above the darkened city.
He recognized me from one of my pamphlets and I was quite surprised when he started the conversation himself. He told me that he had come to New York City from out west and hoped that he would make his fortune here.
Of course, he didn't make a fortune and that day he had lost his leather wallet, a gift from his grandmother, in the city's busy subway system.
That's when I asked him..."Was your grandmother pleasant?"
He was taken aback at first and then nodded quickly in the affirmative.
You Are Never So Lost In Your Life That You Can't
Get Back On Track With A Few Pleasant Thoughts
"Would she have jumped from the window to kill herself?", I asked.
Immediately the boy shook his head, "No", he said.
"And was that because she was pleasant?", I asked.
"She was always pleasant.", he said, "No matter what."
"It was that pleasant nature that made her buy you that nice wallet you lost today...", I said, "And that same pleasant nature would think you're a unappreciative fool for jumping out that window because she worked hard to buy that wallet for you.
You should work hard to show your appreciation for what she did. Acting like a ridiculous baby won't get that wallet back and you'll break her heart if you're dead. How absolutely stupid is that?"
"It's very stupid.", he said.
"And selfish.", I added, "Now come in off that window ledge and help me eat this nice, hot steak supper my wife was good enough to pack up for me."
I Can't Tell You WHO That Boy Was Precisely But
I Can Tell You That He Later Became President Of
The United States Of America
Listen, look me straight in the face right now and tell me that you've always been pleasant your whole life. I bet if you're like a lot of people, you have been downright unpleasant at times.
And that explains precisely what's wrong with you right now.
"I lived the life of a deadbeat for many years. I simply couldn't make a living. I lost every job I got because of my bad habits. Sometimes I wouldn't even have a shower for a month or more. I had strange impulses that I couldn't control. One time I even urinated in my supervisor's coffee, I guess I was pretty out of control. Thanks to Dr. Bowel and this website I turned my life around in 22 days. I am now the manager of a popular restaurant and volunteer at the children's hospital. Thank you Dr. Bowel."
UPDATE: Gary was recently murdered but his last years were very pleasant thanks to my secret.
People Have Problems In Their Lives Because They Fail To Maintain A Pleasant Outlook Or Because They Treat Other People Badly
When They Know They Shouldn't
Let me cut right to the chase...I have something to sell to you today...And it's not what you might think...
In fact, I'm certain you will be astounded when I show you what it is...But first there's something you need to know...
When you get my solution today, you could very well win the lottery...I certainly know your life will change and you will probably find the love of your life, if you haven't been as fortunate as the rest of us already but...
Let me take a moment and explain to you how your life is about to change, right now...
Discover The Astounding Miracle That Medical Science
Does Not Want You To Know About....
And This Incredible Secret Will Change Your Life...
If you truly want to change your life in every way...If you want to lose weight, have more friends, make more money then there's something I'd like to share with you right now...
It's a brief story about how I was frustrated with my fellow Doctors who were transforming people's lives using a wonderful scientific invention that could almost ensure that the human mind was ALWAYS full of pleasant thoughts...
In fact, this breakthrough was so remarkable, I truly believed that everyone on the planet should have the chance to truly experience what pleasant thoughts really are...But...
My fellow Doctors were greedy and tried to keep this revolutionary miracle in their hands alone - Playing God, as it were, deciding who could have the chance to have pleasant, positive thoughts and who couldn't...
Fortunately with all the latest developments in computers and software, combined with advances in more robust power supplies in everyday computers, I was finally able to achieve my dream...
Scientists and young research people helped me achieve something that will change your life forever, just as it has changed the lives of so many people just like you...Because...
Science has made it possible to achieve a miracle with software, that until very recently was only possible with very complex electrical hardware and medical aparatus - And I assure you, pleasant thoughts, more positive energy, weight loss, love, romance and a whole new you are just moments away...Because...
I Vowed To Share This Life-Changing Miracle With Everyone I Could But Until Recently It Simply Wasn't Possible...
This Is Your Chance To Enjoy The Wonders Of Shock Therapy
At Home Without The Inconvenience, Cost Or Shame Of A Hospital Visit
Yes, it's true...
Shock therapy was once a very costly procedure and could involve numerous hospital visits and long stays with caregivers...But...
Because of recent innovations in software and computing capabilities, this truly is your lucky day because my research staff have developed an extraordinary discovery that provides a complete shock therapy experience in the comfort of your own home...
Unlike this dear young lady pictured at right, you won't endure uncomfortable probes or inconvenient hospital visits...In fact in the length of time, you've spent reading this website, you could have already enjoyed several sessions without even leaving your desk...
Yes, Doctor Bowel, I'm Sold!
But Isn't This Probably Very Expensive?
Yes, in fact, you might imagine that a software of this magnitude could be very expensive but I made a promise to a dying solider one day that if I ever had the chance to share my wonderous shock therepy solution with the world, I would do my very best to make it affordable...
Of course my lawyer thought I should sell it to one of the huge corporations but I knew they would never permit the average person to afford this miracle...And my friends and peers at the institutes of advanced learning thought that anything less than $5000.00 would be simply "crazy", if you'll forgive the expression...But...
Because you're getting this today and because you'll have instant access to the complete package in just moments from now...And because I want you to promise me, you'll write me and tell you how your life has changed...For the better...
And because I'm 100% convinced that you'll be 100% pleasantly satisfied, I would like to offer something extraordinary...
I won't charge you $5000 and I won't even charge you $1000 - In fact, the regular price suggested by a software guru, with whom I enjoyed a splendid Gin Squash in Panama City, suggested that the full retail price should be no less than $200.00...But that simply isn't good enough...I want the whole world to experience the wonders of shock therapy and I will not rest until that's possible...Therefore...

YES! You're Getting The Complete System Today
With Instant Access In Just Minutes From Now...
Yes! Because you're ordering right now, you'll use the complete package in just a few moments...And...
You won't pay anywhere near the recommended price...In fact, when you click the button below and get your complete Shock Therapy At Home Software Kit, you'll pay just $27 complete...
And I personally guarantee you will not find any other product like this anywhere, at any price...You don't need to be a brain surgeon to realize what an incredible opportunity this is to truly change your life forever...
Of course I'm frequently asked, Dr. Bowel, this all sounds wonderful but is it safe? And my answer is always a very reassuring yes...The product was extensively tested on Rhesus Monkeys, Federal Prisoners and in several nursing homes throughout West Virginia...
I Know You Will Enjoy This Delightful & Therapeutic Product....
Yes! I know that you'll enjoy using Shock Therapy At Home and I know you'll truly benefit from it...
And I insist you order it today, if you truly want to have a normal life and avoid ending up up lonely and in some gutter somewhere, with nobody to console you but a bottle of cheap brandy - And perhaps a needle in your arm...
It's only $27, you could end up spending much more on drink, cigarettes and sex...So if you really care about your life and if you're not a complete waste of flesh, order today and I'll permit you to thank me later - AFTER you've had a few doses of SHOCK THERAPY AT HOME...
Now listen...I know everyone is different that's why I've also invited my dear friend KiKi to help you realize that JOY and pleasant thoughts are just around the corner...
A Brief Word From KiKi For Those Who Are Having
A Hard Time Making Up Their Mind...

Hey! My name is KiKi and I'm Dr. Bowel's lab assistant and traveling companion...
I know it can be difficult to realize that your life is about to change but...
You and I both know that if you're really worried about spending just $27, you'll need a fuck of a lot more than just shock therapy to straighten you out...And...
That's why everyone who orders today, if you really want it and you really need it, you'll also get unlimited access to hot photos of me, doing what I do best...
Now maybe you're some guy who doesn't like that kind of thing and that's fine with me - You don't need to need to see my hot sexy photos if you've got a problem with that but if you still don't order, you and I both know it's just because you're a cheap cunt...So....
Be a man and just order the fucking thing - And if you're female, forgive me, I know you want it and I'm ready to give you every sizzling inch of me...So...
Take 2 minutes of your life and change it forever by ordering this complete package right now...You won't regret it and rest assured, the photo sets of me are totally super-fucking hot...

Yes! Because you're ordering right now, you'll use the complete package in just a few moments...And...
You won't pay anywhere near the recommended price...In fact, when you click the button below and get your complete Shock Therapy At Home Software Kit, you'll pay just $27 complete...
And I personally guarantee you will not find any other product like this anywhere, at any price...You don't need to be a brain surgeon to realize what an incredible opportunity this is to truly change your life forever...Plus you'll get a great photo set of KiKi and his PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS...
Of course your purchase today is completely safe, secure and confidential...
Click The Button Below To Order Right Now!