Hello, my name is Jim Mercer...and...I'm just an ordinary person, just like you...(Ok, maybe there are a few differences but I hope to save you the grief, pain, sorrow and heartbreak that I learned the hard way...) because...
I know what it feels like to want to achieve financial freedom...And...
I know a lot of us end up looking at franchises as the way to reach that dream...BUT...
If you read nothing else...PLEASE read this because...Imagine the culmination of your dreams...Cutting the ribbon on your brand new franchise store...You've planned, you've consulted with experts and you've done everything right...

Yes...It's amazing, the fulfillment of everything you want...The pathway to financial freedom is finally yours...And you truly know you'll be able to build a business to proud of and provide for those who believe in you and provide them now and in the future...BUT...
According to statistics, within 9 months of opening those doors, you'll actually run out of money...You'll have burnt up every last dollar you've worked hard to save and and your future security is gone ...And...
Worst of all, you'll be telling your family that you're the reason they're losing their home because...According to the statistical facts, you'll be absolutely broken-hearted, destitute and homeless by this time next year...Because...
You missed the real crucial details you need to know right now before you take one more step toward the path to shame, embarrassment and complete financial ruin...BUT...

The good news is...I'll show you precisely how to beat the odds and prosper beyond your wildest dreams...But...
You need the right information and thankfully, the RIGHT information is right here...Because...
Trust me, I know what it takes to succeed with a franchise...And even more importantly, I know what it takes to NOT lose everything you've ever known and owned when you see it all go desperately drowning down the drain...Because...

Let me tell you, there are lies that get told about franchises. In fact, many of the statistics that get quoted are either extremely out-dated or just outright fallacies...
I've been involved with franchises from the board room level right down to the local store level. I've also started several successful companies that had NOTHING to do with franchising at all...And...
There's a reason why my business experience is important because the one thing that most franchisors won't tell you is :
"Non-franchise businesses have a greater track-record than franchises...They're quite simply, statistically much more successful..."
The franchise companies don't want you to know that...
I'll ask you to forgive my honesty but I simply can't stand when hard-working people get swindled...And...
That's what compelled me to build the ultimate resource to inform and protect aspiring franchisers. Even though I know the statistics can sometimes be stacked against you -- I've done everything I can to put together a complete package to not just protect you from the pitfalls and failing - but to help ensure whatever franchise you choose delivers the success story you deserve because...
I want to make sure that if you become a franchise owner, you don't lose money and...
That's precisely WHY I put together Franchise Buyer Masterclass...Because...

Make sure you’re right for franchise ownership...And what kind of franchise...Make the wrong move here and it's game-over faster than you can say "fries with that..."...I'll show you how to build a winner.
How to set a budget and most importantly how to maximize that budget while you protect the most money possible...Many franchises will try to suck you dry at the front-end because they know your chances of success may be slim...I'll show you precisely how to turn the tables in your favor - and just plain win...
Determine your top business skills and know precisely where you fit into your new franchise...Let's face it, you really don't want to sign yourself up for another dead-end job...Even if you are the boss...That's even worse.
The sneaky and ONLY way to FIND the best ways to find the best franchise opportunities...And how to ethically edge out your competition and dictate hardcore franchise agreements on YOUR TERMS...
The bone fide truth about how to REALLY choose a serious money-making franchise and KNOW it will work right out of the gate...No matter what...
The most exciting way to transform your fears and anxieties about your new franchise into a positive advantage to dominate your competition - In ANY market...
A mandatory list of what it REALLY takes to make sure your franchise is a success...

From The Basics To Advanced INSIDER Information...You'll learn how to...
If you're about to layout $50,000, $200,000, or more to buy a franchise, there is ESSENTIAL INFORMATION and a lot of secrets you want on your side - before you sign on the dotted line.
I'll give you the insider information you need to understand how to evaluate franchise opportunities and to determine whether or not franchising is right for you and...
Which franchise may be the best fit for you....Because...
How to razor-sharp really compare and evaluate franchise opportunities like an EXPERT!
This powerful method alone gives you the power to OUTSMART nearly 93% of every other franchise buyer out there...
What information to get from franchises you're considering...And how to get it quickly, easily without endless red-tape or sales pitches dirtying up your intelligence gathering sessions...
This is the CRITICAL DETAILED INFO YOU NEED...87% of other franchise buyers FAIL to get this data before it's too late...
Why you need to talk to existing franchisees and what to ask them and...How to get them to really open up to you and tell you the REAL DEAL...Don't do this and you're destined to have endless problems but do it the right way (and I'll show you...) - And you're almost writing your own Guaranteed Ticket To Franchise Success...
What information franchisors must disclose - And why they MIGHT not tell you unless you ask...But I'll show you how to get them to reveal EVERYTHING, quickly and easily...
What franchisors must tell you about the franchise opportunity before you buy...Remember, this is the law but that doesn't mean everybody does it...With my method, you'll be empowered to know precisely what they need to tell you...
How to analyze the market for the franchise you are considering...These killer secrets make it point-blank simple to quickly know in advance what to expect...It's almost like being able to see everybody's cards at a Vegas Casino...This is the powerful research technique that will set you apart from everybody else in the market - And practically make an advance reservation for success in your name...
How to run a grand opening and why your first 6 months are so important...This is where you'll truly unlock the door to franchise success...You'll learn exactly HOW to do this right and you'll truly learn WHY it's one of the most critical moments of your new business...
Your decision to buy a franchise will be one of the most momentous decisions you'll ever make in your life. It will affect your financial situation, your career, your lifestyle, and your family.
And how it affects you, could be VERY positive or disastrous...I've carefully built Franchise Buyer Masterclass to make sure you always stay on the POSITIVE track because...
That's why you WANT Franchise Buyer Masterclass at your side because...
You need to know as much as you possibly can about evaluating franchise offerings, choosing the best one for you, and determining if franchising is the right thing to do for you.
You'll get the critical facts you need at your fingertips...Including...

Yes, you truly can be successful with your franchise business but to make sure you really KNOW what you're doing - Franchise Buyer Masterclass is precisely what you're looking for because it completely eliminates the endless frustration and failures AND...
Gives a complete roadmap of certainty and security with your new and successful franchise...
Avoid becoming a slave to your business... Nobody wants to start a new business simply to end up in a dead-end job...
Make Money While You Sleep!. Yes, I'll show you some amazing things you can do RIGHT NOW to generate cash...Do this right and you WILL get rich. That's just a fact...
Get Paid What You're TRULY Worth. Work harder and you'll be reaping the rewards yourself — and not just making some franchise company rich.
Learn & Be Empowered To Succeed. I keep it SUPER-SIMPLE but at the same time, I'll share every resource and everything I can to give you the complete big-picture, total success package...
Spend More Time With The People You Love. You're doing this for a reason, it's about quality of life - and remember, everything you learn here is ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL, nobody else needs to know...
The Money Is Really Unlimited! This is THE modern-day gold-rush. You already know more Millionaires have been created in the past decade than any other time in human history...
In This Game, If You Want It...All You Have To Do Is Reach Out & Grab It!
I will show you EVERY WAY HOW - Beyond mere a franchise business...
This incredible from 'start to success', STEP-BY-STEP Training system retails for $247 and has transformed 1000s of people just like you into true money-making Superstars...
It's a fact, no other package is MORE COMPLETE, MORE HONEST and nothing delivers more hardcore REAL insider advice, guidance and TRUE MENTORSHIP like this Amazing training series...
You get the FULLY DETAILED PLAN for marketing success and proven profits that others pay $247 for...BUT...
This MIND-BLOWING, MONEY MAKER sells for $247 and it's worth every cent and more but you won't pay RETAIL for this product and in fact, you won't pay anything at all BECAUSE...
(Not Available Anywhere Else & You Must Order During This Limited Time!)

URGENT UPDATE July 10th., 2019...
2 Remarkable and powerful additions to this complete package that truly give you a profit-proven edge have just been added to this total package. That means that we will be releasing MASTERCLASS 2.0 on Friday, July 15th., and you'll have full access to your MASSIVE package at Midnight on the 15th... BUT...
You'll get your login details TODAY and reserve your spot in the next few minutes AND...
This critical update that will make a KEY difference in your success for the coming year and beyond ...AND...
All of that translates into an incredible deal in YOUR FAVOR because...
During the next 72 hours ONLY...We're taking advanced reservations on the entirely massive MASTERCLASS 2.0 for one super-low, invitation only limited time price...
Limited Spots Available And Incredible SUPER-DISCOUNT Pricing For The Next 72 Hours Only!
You're getting EVERYTHING for the most incredibly amazing ONE-LOW price...
Complete...Unquestionably GUARANTEED PLUS Full Service & Support - AND...
More than $1000 worth of additional mind-blowing unadvertised bonus packages....
We will only accept orders at this incredible discount price for the next 72 hours only. Once Masterclass 2.0 is released, the full package will be $497 - We assure you that you'll be absolutely blown-away by the amazing profit-proven package - And you'll have FULL ACCESS MIDNIGHT Friday, July 15th., 2016 - You'll get unlimited access to the complete package and you're 100% covered by our unquestionable FULL 90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. We've been doing trusted business online since 1995 and all transactions are 100% secure, confidential - We NEVER share your details with anyone. Please act now to avoid the known perils in the franchise industry and secure your spot for the ONE TIME ONLY, incredibly low price of just $47 - Complete.
YES...Get this completely incredible package today...Use it, Abuse it...Learn From It and profit from it for a FULL 90 DAYS with NO-RISK AT ALL because...
IF you're still not convinced that you've got everything we promise and MORE...If you're not completely over the moon and totally BEYOND SATISFIED then...
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Your Information Is 100% Secure, Private and is NEVER SHARED With ANY Third-Parties.
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Please Try It And See The PROOF For Yourself. It's Just That Simple.