Let me start out by telling you, this site was built in September, 2019...
Maybe some of you thought you stumbled into some dinosaur from the Way Back Machine but...
The fact is...The wheel was invented about 8000 years ago...And nobody re-invented it because it just plains works a concept...
Sales is the same damn way...The first sales pitch was invented long before the wheel and what worked then, still works now...
Now Zuckerberg and those pansies at Google might want to dumb down the internet and make it boring for their own greedy purposes but the reality is...
All this dumbing down has also resulted in a drop in sales for the average entrepreneur online...That's a fact...
Amazon isn't the average entrepreneur so don't start but...
All I need to tell you is that in today's world they GIVE AWAY Porn for free...
Think about that one for a second...
That's one specific commodity that since the dawn of man, people were willing to pay for....Now I want you to seriously think about that for a second...
If PORN is suddenly FREE...Are you telling me that you know what you're doing or those gurus know what they're telling you when they say you shouldn't worry about the ART and the SCIENCE of selling?
Yes, it's true that some old school corny shit is out of style but...
The art of selling, salesmanship is certainly not dead and if that ever happens then we cease to exist as a specifies...Because...
You see even procreation itself is a pretty blatant example of the "power and the necessity of salesmanship..."...SALES is built into our survival, every single day of your life is a sales pitch whether you realize it or not...

Well maybe you're relieved to hear me tell you that it doesn't really matter who am I...And I don't really expect you to "care" even if you did know but...
The one thing I can tell you is this...Back before 99% of the population heard of the internet, I was selling online...
In fact, at one time, my company dominated more than 6% of the entire internet...Think about that one for a second and no, that was during a time when there were MILLLIONS of websites online...I said I'm experienced, I didn't say I'm as old as the dinosaurs...
The reality is...You've seen my work, that much I'm quite certain of...And you've also seen all the copy-cats too..In fact, statistically there's a very good chance that you've even purchased from one of my companies in the past...
I know how to sell...I consider a good conversion rate starting at about the 60% mark...How many marketers do you know that say that?
I'll bet you don't know one single copywriter or web marketer who has the audacity to say that because...
Fact is, there are very few web marketers that could EVER say that...
So maybe at this point, you're wondering what I have to sell you....
The answer is...Absolutely NOTHING...Zero...Nada...Zilch...Jack Squat...Nuthin'.
I just wanted to open your eyes a little...And remember that everything is SALES...
And that all starts with you....